24 abril 2013

Coup d'état Brazil 2013: how to ruin a democracy

The year of 2013 will be remembered in the history of Brazil as the beginning of a Democracy Regression: a coup d'état.

Back in January, the outcome of the "Mensalão" Scandal called attention of the media, specially The Economist with a great article titled Brazil's zombie polititcans: Unstoppable?.
"In total, a third of Brazil’s lawmakers have either been convicted or are being investigated for crimes ranging from vote-buying to theft to slave-holding."
The article mentions cases where politicians like José Genoino, Francisco Tenório, Renan Calheiros, and others, even though found guilty of bribery and some under investigation of murder, replaced other congressmen who stepepd down to become mayors. In the case of Mr. Calheiros, he became the President of Senate, on February 1st.  Some of these politicians were found guilty after judged by STF (Superior Tribunal Federal - Supreme Court).

Now today, April 24th of 2013, José Genoino who is, ironically, a member of CCJ (Comissão de Constituição e Justiça - Judiciary and Constitution Committee), has approved a constitution ammendment that intends to submit to Congress court decisions declaring laws unconstitutional. Also it will increase the minimum votes of judges in decisions, from 6 to 9, lowering of course, the power of supreme court.

Basically, deputies and senators who will decide, ultimately, whether or not it is worth what they themselves approved. In such cases, judges are themselves - at the expense of individual rights and guarantees of citizens, whose guarantee is Justice.

The amendment proposes more atrocities, including:
  • Go up to four-fifths quorum for the Supreme declare a law unconstitutional.
  • Prohibits ministers Supreme grant injunctions in an injunction to suspend - until the final judgment by the Court - the effectiveness of constitutional amendments.
  • Determines the binding precedents of jurisprudence (edited by STF mechanism that must be followed by all instances of the judiciary on the basis of decisions adopted by repeatedly cutting - mechanism to expedite justice)) will also be submitted to the scrutiny of Congress before enter into force.
PT: Partido dos Trabalhadores / Workes Party
We must not forget PT, led by Lula (Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva), where activelly supported all politicians involved in the Mensalão Scandal, and that also suppports this ammendment. The author is also a member of PT, Congressman Nazareno Fontenele, a ghost never seen before, probably a disposable politician to be used in this move, and someone who will certainly be blamed and forgotten, for such an absurd proposal.

This is with no doubt, a House of Cards, and a tentative coup of Brazil's Democracy.

Referenced article - source

Redeploy de aplicações em produção no WebLogic

O WebLogic oferece uma função que permite você atualizar aplicações em ambiente de produção, com zero-downtime. Funciona assim: usuários que estão conectados na sua aplicação, continuarão conectados na versão antiga, mas quem se conectar depois do deploy da nova versão, será direcionado para o novo deploy. Assim, nenhum usuário sofrerá com um erro 404 (conteúdo inexistente), ou será prejudicado no meio de um processo (por exemplo, consultas ou relatórios). Isso permite roll-out de novas versões em horário comercial, sem necessidade de uma janela de atualização, para por exemplo, corrigir falhas no sistema que afetam somente uma parte da aplicação.
Agora para que isso seja possível, é necessário configurar o que chamamos de Application Version Identifier. Esta informação pode ser passada de duas formas:
  1. Por linha de comando:
    java weblogic.Deployer -adminurl http://localhost:7001 -user weblogic
         -password weblogic -deploy -name myTestDeployment 
         -source /myDeployments/myApplication/91Beta
         -targets myCluster -stage -appversion .91Beta
  2. Configurado no MANIFEST.MF do pacote (EAR/WAR) da aplicação
    Manifest-Version: 1.0
         Created-By: 1.4.1_05-b01 (Sun Microsystems Inc.)
         Weblogic-Application-Version: v920.beta
Apache MavenSe você utiliza Maven para criar o pacote da aplicação, basta configurar no plugin (war ou ear), o parâmetro do Manifest:
Deu erro na versão nova? Rollback!Se aconteceu alguma coisa com a versão nova, é só reativar a versão antiga para que novos usuários sejam direcionados a ela. Em seguida remova a versão nova. 
Removendo a versão antigaDepois de ter a versão nova no ar, o WebLogic vai monitorar as sessões ainda abertas na versão antiga. Quando todas as sessões finalizarem (via timeout), a aplicação irá para o status retired. Caso isso demore para acontecer devido a sessões longas (usuário que esqueceu o navegador aberto em uma tela com função auto-refresh), você pode forçar esta etapa pelo console administrativo.
Se precisar de maiores informações, consulte a documentação do WebLogic 12c.

22 abril 2013

What's new in Java EE 7 at JUDCon Brazil 2013

This weekend I talked about Java EE 7 at JUDCon Brazil 2013, the session "What's new in Java EE 7? From HTML5 to JMS 2.0". What a great honour to be at JBoss Users and Developers Conference to share with attendees the great work that Oracle, Red Hat, and many others are doing for this platform. Room was packed, with people standing, and so much interest to hear all the cool stuff to come, such as WebSockets, JMS, JAX-RS, JSF and even more. To add some value to this talk, and as I'm a fan of Game of Thrones, I thought that a few images would fit right at this talk :-)

Slides here!

via Java and everything https://blogs.oracle.com/brunoborges/entry/what_s_new_in_java


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Twitter: www.twitter.com/brunoborges
Comprei e Não Vou
Rio de Janeiro, RJ Brasil
São Paulo, SP Brasil