04 junho 2013

Promote Java EE 7 and GlassFish on your Twitter

The launch of Java EE 7 is right ahead. On June 12th we will hear from Oracle executives and evangelists what's all about the new version of the platform. The Live Webcast "Introducing Java EE 7 " will have two sessions, and all you need to do to join us and watch Arun Gupta and others, is to go to this webpage and sign up. Also, don't forget to check GlassFish's blog, you know, because it's the reference implementation of Java EE! :-)

But if you really, really love Java EE and really, really want people to join us, why don't you also promote the launch on your Twitter account? Use this background image that fits very nice on your profile, and also don't forget to set the background color to #517E9C.

Let's Make The Future Java... Together!

via Java and everything https://blogs.oracle.com/brunoborges/entry/promote_java_ee_7_and


LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/brunocborges
Twitter: www.twitter.com/brunoborges
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