04 janeiro 2013

Enable WebLogic 12c FastSwap with NetBeans

Hey everyone, this is my first post, and although I have been working at Oracle since July 2nd, I wanted it to have valuable information, not just a "Hey look, I joined Oracle". So this is it, welcome to my blog!
 How to enable WebLogic 12c FastSwap when developing Java EE applications with NetBeans? Very simple!
  1. Open the file WEB-INF/weblogic.xml 
    1. If your application is an EAR, open weblogic-application.xml
  2. Enable FastSwap
  3. Now open the Properties dialog for your project
  4. Navigate to Run
  5. Disable the checkbox "Deploy on Save"
  6. Close the Properties dialog
  7. Re-deploy your application
Done! Now give it a try. Modify some Java code and refresh the web page that access that code. Remember you don't need to re-deploy your application anymore. NetBeans already deploys it as exploded WAR/EAR. Faster than the re-deploy feature!
Also, FastSwap is a feature that is built-in to WebLogic 12c and there's no need to install anything. For more information about FastSwap, follow this link (for WebLogic 12.1.1).
Was this a valuable information for you? Sure it was for me :-) 
Originally from https://blogs.oracle.com/brunoborges/entry/enable_weblogic_12c_fastswap_with

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